Welcome To JPT

The Joint Powers Trust is committed to providing employees of Montana and Wyoming public service agencies with cost-effective group health benefit plans. Our Trust provides wellness education and quality benefit programs that are designed to meet the needs of our members.


About JPT

The Joint Powers Trust (JPT) is a non-profit group health benefit trust. The JPT was founded in 1988 by a group of counties in Montana who sought long-range stability for...

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The JPT provides benefit programs to help employers establish a culture of healthy living while controlling health care costs and reducing the inflation curve for medical costs and premiums.  

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The JPT is focused on assisting our clients with establishing a culture of healthy living and positive lifestyle choices, to promote a more positive work environment and enhance the lives...

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The JPT provides benefits programs that focus on individuals who have been diagnosed with chronic health conditions or have been treated for an illness, while providing programs which focus...

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